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Virtual Design Construction (VDC) Services

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Scan to BIM

Drawing Generation

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Phase Planning

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Underground Utilities Modelling

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Site Utilization

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On-Site BIM Training

Scan to BIM

We provide point cloud scanning to convert your construction site into a 3D model. It provides an environment to run 4D simulations to visualize ongoing construction activities. This is a valuable tool for space planning, site utilization, phasing, and construction methods engineering. Scanning to BIM can be used for verification purposes and compliance with as-built structures of BIM deliverables during the construction stage.

Scan to BIM
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Phase Planning

Our team has expertise in Phase Planning (4D Modelling) by incorporating the project programme/schedule into the 3D model for the purpose of phasing, space requirements and construction sequencing in a construction site. The 4D technology provides accurate construction simulation of the construction process.


The use of 4D sequencing is rapidly growing in the construction industry used by engineers and designers to solve problems in site utilization and construction phasing.


The advantage of using 4D is bringing efficiency in solving the critical interface of the project and resolving issues in the pre-construction stage. 4D-Scheduling provides time parameter in project phasing, structure and logistics interface in different period for visualising the actual site.  

Phase Planing

Below is a short video showing the application of 4D models and its accessibility using our smart devices.

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Clash Analysis

We provide in-depth clash analysis using 4D model sequencing and visualization in accordance with the construction methods and phasing used on site. The clash analysis serves as a guideline to enhance site planning and phasing as well as to resolve the foreseeable issue before a project commences on site.

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Clash Analysis

Construction Simulation

Our team consists of experienced civil engineers with site construction methods experience that has the insight to produce an accurate modelling of the construction sequence using the 3D BIM models. We use Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technologies that allows engineers, architect, general contractors, and non-technical stakeholders to make design communication more effective and a valuable tool for visualizing.

Construction Simulation
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Our VDC services are a valuable tool for participants to visualize complex construction sequence and methods that a 3D drawing would be limited to.

3D to 2D Services

We have experience in the conversion of 3D models to 2D drawings that meets the client’s modelling standard’s requirements in building projects, infrastructure projects, MEP, and underground utilities. Our experienced modellers and CAD operators have proficiency in using various BIM software to convert 3D models into 2D drawings to deliver as-built drawings, fabrication drawings, and design drawings to the client with the appropriate documentation.


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3D to 2D Services

3D Modelling Softwares that we use:

Revit, Civil 3D, SketchUp, Rhino, Grasshopper. AutoCAD

Underground Utilities Modelling

Underground Utilities Modelling

Modelling underground utilities reduces construction time and cost especially if the infrastructure is interwoven and complex. It minimises clashes before construction commences on-site, with an accurate model of underground utilities which includes necessary information such as pipe and cable locations.

We handle the modelling of existing underground utilities, various piping system, drainage system, and underground structures such as chambers, draw pits, and channels.

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On-Site BIM Training

On-Site BIM Training

We provide on-site training of the use of BIM software which covers a range of topics that are currently used in the construction industry. Training materials and software are particularly selected depending on the needs of the client and project requirements. We have in-depth knowledge and proficiency for CAD drafting, 3D modelling, 4D visualization and sequencing tools, design software, and asset management software.

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Tyfron Consultancy Limited

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